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Aloe brevifolia var. depressa (AGM)
Supplied in a 7cm pot

A stunningly beautiful, smallish Aloe growing to about 30 cm high. Eventually forms a sizeable colony of around 50cm across. The leaves are broad, short and pale gray/green with a powdery blue hew. The are arranged in rosette and produce a very compact crown to about 18 cm in diameter. The edges of each leaf are armed with small white teeth along their margins and the leaf keel on the lower surface. An unbranched inflorescence appears in summer, with an inflorescence of orange tubular flowers.  Aloe brevifolia var. depressa is easy succulent to grow provided it is kept frost free and dry throughout the winter months. Best kept in a pot and move off the patio and under grass for summer.

Full Sun
Well drained soil
RHS hardiness rating H2

Plants are supplied in a 7cm pot, with their compost and are similar to the plants seen in pictures 2,3 and 4. Picture one shows a mature planted specimen and is not the plant for sale.


A: Aloe brevifolia var. depressa
B: 121396
C: 08032201

Blue Nurseries Ltd is authorised to issue UK plant passports by DEFRA.

Aloe brevifolia var. depressa
