Gladiolus papilio
Supplied in a 9cm pot
(3 to 4 bulbs per pot)
A species Gladiolus -- lovely, simple, and unusual South African perennial with grassy glaucous foliage, to 60cm tall. Hooded flowers appear in August to September, showing off lavender blooms with purplish and buttery yellow “butterfly” markings. They need well-drained soil with consistent summer moisture and bright light. Best planted where they have plenty of room to multiply. Perennial, dying back in winter and returning in spring. Frost hardy.
Full Sun
Well drained soil
RHS Hardiness rating H4
Bulbs are supplied in a 9cm pot, with their compost and are similar to the plants/bulbs seen in pictures 2,3 and 4. Picture 1 shows the flowers on a planted specimen as an example of what to expect and is not the plant for sale.
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