Trachycarpus wagnerianusSeeds x 502025 harvestTrachycarpus wagnerianus, originating from cultivation in Japan, is the smaller variety of the well known Trachycarpus fortunei, with shorter leaf stalks and stiffer, smaller, more upright palmate leaves. Considered to be the perfect palm for garden cultivation. Hardy to -15℃, maybe lower.
Sow seeds in spring. First soak seeds for 12 hours in clean water, then sow 10mm below surface in deep pots (we use 1 litre rose pots). Use a mix of 40% loam, 50% coir and 10% perlite. Seal the pot in a plastic bag or unheated propagator and place in frost free place like a cold frame or greenhouse (we use our unheated poly tunnels). Keep the compost damp but not wet. Check pots every few weeks for the green shoots that signal germination. Once the palm seedlings have developed their first leaf, remove them from the bag or propagator and grow on until the second leaf has developed. Now pot up into individual pots and grow on in frost free conditions.
It will take a few years before the 'True' fan palm leaves appear, at which point the young palms can be planted out.
Seeds supplied are the result of hand pollination by us using pollen from our Trachycarpus wagnerianus male palms and flowering Trachycarpus wagnerianus female palms.
Full Sun/ part shade
Well drained soil
RHS hardiness rating H5 (-15c)
A: Trachycarpus wagnerianus
B: 121396
C: 01022501.
Blue Nurseries Ltd is authorised to issue UK plant passports by DEFRA.
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